Thursday 3 July 2014

New Doorway.

We finally had a clear weekend with no rain! Time to do the new door to The Yoga Room.
There was actually a doorway here originally and we needed to block up access to our kitchen, so that both The Yoga Room and the kitchen can be used simultaneously!

Knocking out the first few stones.

Concrete blocks and insulation revealed

Rebuilding sections of the stone wall

Completely through!

Rebuilding inside.

 New plaster and fresh paint to wall and door.

Finished, complete with door logo and logo to inside wall.

Come and see me for some yoga!


  1. Wow looks lovely, wish I was nearer to experience the yoga. Hope all is well with you and Felix. Nancy X

    1. HI Nancy, how lovely to hear from you! Sorry I have only just seen this. Come and visit and I'll give you a class! xx
