Wednesday 26 March 2014

Tarting up a concrete floor...

We are almost done in our new bigger and better kitchen, getting ready to make all those breakfasts. We have bought some really great bargains, all our appliances are secondhand but look like new!

As you can see, there is a rather ugly concrete floor and we didn't really have any budget for anything fancy. So......

Take one average kitchen sponge and cut into fairly rough squares...

Get fabulous husband to make this.......

Stick sponge squares to it......

Use the tool in much the same way as potato prints, dip in paint and press onto floor. Rotate each time so it isn't uniform.

2 coats of clear matte varnish.....

Finished! Ugly concrete floor transformed to mosaic tile effect loveliness!

Don't forget to like us

Saturday 8 March 2014

More treasures....

On discovering the original door to our cottage at the back of the house, we found some more treasures.....

We hope this might be the original key

 We uncovered 3 layers of beautiful wall paper

And this mint condition theatre ticket from 1914!

This is our facebook page, feel free to 'like' us!

Saturday 1 March 2014

Calling in the cavalry....

Planning permission was finally granted and help arrived in sibling form so the top floor of the house has come on leaps and bounds.....

New doorway. So now we have an 'ensuite' bathroom for the Double bedroom. This was a bit of a feat as there was a huge beam diagonally across the whole wall (hence the chopped off corner)

This will be the ensuite bathroom, the old doorway to the corridor is closed up. This is where the bath will be and the boys have got all the plumbing in now, the pipe poking out is for the macerator which is itself going to be housed in a cupboard in the corridor to save space in the bathroom.

The corridor side of the wall, this is the beautiful macerator enabling us to have the bathroom where we want it. The cupboard is going to be disguised as a radiator cover. The extra plasterboard on the corridor wall is a requirement of building regulations for fire protection.


Fresh plaster over the extra layer of fire protection plasterboard.

One wall complete and ready for building inspection!

This is going to be the bathroom for the Twin room. We had to be careful of the weight we are putting on the floor in this area (it is right next to the enormous water tank just the other side of the wall) So we have plumped for a huge walk in shower instead of a bath. The shower tray is in already, you can just see it under the hardboard.

Pretty pictures to come soon. We are choosing bathroom tiles and am ready to step in with my paintbrush!

Big thanks to D, it was lovely to have you to stay xxx